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Alastor’s Smile Mug – Worthy of Being His Second Go-To Mug


Well, it’s not as iconic as his Oh Deer mug, but Alastor’s Smile Mug is definitely a lot creepier and maybe used for special occasions, like dinnertime gatherings at a long table where he’s at the head of the table and everyone else is as far from him as possible.

I think that’s actually the perfect time to drink out of this mug. Dinner with the in-laws. And make sure to make some obnoxiously loud slurping sounds while you’re at it.

Unless you like your in-laws, then maybe just use the Oh Deer mug instead.

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Is Alastor’s Smile Mug worthy of me?

  • It screams you’re planning something behind those sips
  • Your family might worry about you
Worthy of Me