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15+ Alarm Clocks for Kids Worthy of Waking Them From Childhood Dreams

As adults, we’ve got our cell phones that mainly wake us up, but a cell phone might not be the greatest of alarm clocks for kids. Plus, a cell phone is kind of boring compared to some of the alarm clocks mentioned below.

And if you find yourself questioning whether you should even buy a kids’ alarm clock, let me ask you this.

Ever have those blissful moments of sleep disrupted by your kid bouncing on your bed or stomping their feet like a herd of sleep-deprived elephants or them poking you until you open your eyes to see what’s poking you? Yes?

Trust me, been there done that.

As a kid, not an adult.

I remember waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares, and when I wasn’t crying from them, I’d go downstairs and stand in the doorway of my parents’ room, wondering if I should wake them or not.

I don’t recall ever having an alarm clock as a kid, honestly. Maybe a radio alarm clock, but not a kids’ alarm clock to help me sleep or wake.

Dang…where were all the alarm clocks for kids back when I didn’t want them to begin with?

Cute Animal Alarm Clocks for Kids

If I were back in the days of my childhood, I think I’d want an animal for an alarm clock, and I don’t mean a barking dog or a meowing cat, or even a rooster crowing in a barn.

I really hate it when they crow in the middle of the day. Like, hello?

Anyway, below you’ll find some of the cutest animal alarm clocks for kids.

Bunny Alarm Clock

While it’s not Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail, it is a cute bunny just biding its time (no pun intended) for the perfect customer.

It’s a battery-operated alarm clock, triggered by sound or touch, thus saving itself on energy. Not to mention it serves as a night-light for kids.

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Eggshell Chicken Alarm Clock

It’s an adorably cute chicken in an eggshell alarm clock. It’s battery-operated without a snooze button, for training your kid to wake up, as well as wake up those who have difficulty with removing themselves from the comfort of their bed.

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Hello Kitty Alarm Clock

All right, so it’s more of a fan-made product, but it’s still a kitty, so it belongs in the cute animals section. While there were a few other Hello Kitty alarm clocks to choose from, I chose this one, because she’s asleep in bed, no matter what the time, while your kid has to wake up via a radio station or buzzer.

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Oinking Piggy

Nothing beats a day of checking out What on Earth for some interesting products, and this just happens to be one of them.

I love that the little eyes for the pig look like it’s dizzy from you pressing on its head. Kind of reminds me of the Pokemon Spoink, with the dizzy eyes of Spinda.

But enough of that.

By tapping on the pig’s head you can choose what color it becomes, as well as choosing the flashing lights or not for the alarm clock.

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Owl Alarm Clock

This owl alarm clock is a hoot! It provides a night light for kids as well as has an alarm that can wake up heavy sleepers. If your kid won’t wake up from it, you probably will.

Also, while this one is pink, there is a blue coloration.

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Talking Penguin Alarm Clock

Looking at this alarm clock, I wondered why it look familiar. I thought maybe due to the villainous Penguin from Batman, but maybe it’s the penguin in a top hat from Yu-Gi-Oh.

Either way, you mess with the wing for different alarm sounds, and you press the top hat to announce the time, or turn off the alarm. Pretty interesting!

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Transformed Toy Alarm Clock

All right, these are cool for kids who like to kind of build or construct, though you’re not supposed to put this clock together. It’s something that can look like a regular clock and can transform into a cute doggo thing.

I know, I didn’t make it sound very cute right there.

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Object Alarm Clocks for Kids

You’ve got critters and you’ve got objects, so I decided to separate them into the two different categories. These are just the alarm clocks for kids that look like different things you could find out in the world, except downsized with a function for waking your child.

Some kids just don’t like animals all that much and need something cooler.

Bonsai Tree Alarm Clock

Something about the soft colors of the bonsai tree make me enjoy this alarm clock. You think tree and you think green, but it’s got a blue, green, and pink coloration to cater to both boys and girls.

It’s also battery operated.

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Betus Robot Alarm Clock

Here’s one for the robo-children.

Despite the looks, it’s a quiet alarm clock in the sense that it doesn’t tick-tock, what’s cool is the eyes will flash when the alarm goes off. It’s also battery operated, and the hand can actually hold something.

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Candy Claw Machine Alarm Clock

A throwback to when all kinds of these suckers were around. I could never resist playing them and getting candy. Way better than trying a plushie claw machine–I never win at those.

You can actually place grabbable items in the machine for it to try and grab. What kid wouldn’t like an alarm clock that’ll gift them with possible sweets?

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Cloud Alarm Clock

Cute and simplistic. It tells you both the weather and the time, so there’s no need to wonder if a jacket is needed or not when heading outside. Or if you’d rather stay indoors upon waking.

It works via USB charging.

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Heart-Shaped Alarm Clock

A perfect clock to show your love for when your child actually wakes up on time. And wake up they will. It’s an alarm clock for heavy sleepers, though its quiet all through the night, and it can serve as a nightlight, if needed.

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Rocketship Projection Alarm Clock

Team Rocket isn’t the only one blasting off these days. Now your kids can with this projection alarm clock. It can display four different celestial images on the ceiling, so it makes it an interesting nightlight.

Another nice touch is it displays the date along with the time.

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Sleep Trainers for Kids

Not every kid needs to have an alarm clock screaming at them to wake up. Some of them need to be trained when to actually go to sleep, and when they are actually allowed out of the bed. Otherwise you’ll have children who think they can be up all hours of the night, and you’ll hear little toddler feet scuttling about like rats in the walls.

Nobody likes rats in the walls.

Therefore, if you have youngsters that tend to wake multiple times throughout the night, these sleep trainers may be beneficial for both you and your kids.

Big Red Rooster Sleep Training Alarm Clock

Kids love dogs, and dogs love kids and…everything else, really. Therefore, this has to be the most adorable dog-loving kids’ alarm clock, even if your kid happens to be allergic to our furry friends.

The red ball means to stay in bed while the green one means get up and go.

One iffy qualm is whether a glowing red ball at night might disturb a child rather than comfort them back into sleep, you know?

Maybe I watch too many horror movies with glowing red eyes though.

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Bobby the Bear Sleeptrainer

Who says your kid can’t have a polar bear in their room?

This sleep trainer helps a child to understand they need to stay in bed when Bobby’s eyes are closed, and when they are open, the child’s freed from their bedtime shackles. (Now there’s an idea.)

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MELLA has a variety of functions as a kids’ alarm clock. What’s even more fun about it? This clock has facial expressions to tell your kid what they need to be doing at the current time–including a “play time” period.

It’s got several different nightlight colors for your kid to choose from, plus a few alarm sounds.

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Stoplight It’s OK to Wake Clock

This is one of the cooler alarm clocks for kids on this post, I think, as it’s an interesting concept.

Red means to stay in bed, while green means they can get up and go. The traffic light system can also be used for time-out or study sessions, signifying when it’s okay to move on to something else. The yellow light provides a light in the night, if the child needs it.

It’s a battery operated alarm clock that comes with an AC adapter.

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Tock the Learning Clock

Not only does it look cute, but it has a cute rhyme to the name. This is both an analog and digital clock for learning the time–the analog being much larger and more attention-driven.

Answering questions correctly by moving the hour and minute hand in the appropriate locations will have Tock dancing to dance tunes.

It comes with a nightlight for kids that don’t like sleeping in the dark, and said light changes color when your kid’s allowed to wake up to their own dance party. Just hope they don’t take it to your bed.

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Zazu Sleep Trainer

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four.

In reality, it’s just one sheep called SAM. This little sheep can remind your youngin’ when to go to bed and get out just by its eyes. They close at bedtime and open when they’re allowed to leave the bed.

The screen can also serve as a nightlight and help them learn the time. Probably one of the best alarm clocks for kids who take naps as well as need some rules in place for nighttime.

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Worthy of Me