Warcraft Stormwind Castle Kit – Worthy Enough For A King

Warcraft Stormwind Castle Kit – Worthy Enough For A King

The Warcraft Stormwind Castle Kit is a slap-in-the-face throwback to a time when I was younger and put 3D models together. Holy crap, how did I even forget about those days and everything I built? I was like a Minecraft whore, but without blocks.

Now where the hell did I put all of them?

What’s this model of?

It’s based off of World of Warcraft, which is a popular MMORPG PC game (check out The Gaming Experience’s review here), as well as a movie.

Is Warcraft Stormwind Castle Kit worthy of me?

Well let’s look at the checklist of what one should be if they’re thinking about purchasing this 3D model. You (or someone you know) should…

  • Have a love for building things.
  • Like World of Warcraft as Alliance.
  • Enjoy 3D puzzles.

Typically LEGOS are a kid’s best friend in the toy department, but 3D models are super fun to put together as well, especially if they have meaning behind them. Plus, this one’s not made from harder material–it’s foam.

Don’t try to bend the stuff, but no need to scream if something is stepped on.

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