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Beauty and the Beast 6 Eggs – Not Quite Worthy for Gaston’s Song


I’m going to go ahead and say how disappointed I am with the internet and all the witty people in the world that there isn’t some kind of product featuring a meme with Gaston and his four dozen eggs that he sings about eating each morning when he was young. Sure, there are images as the meme, but where’s a fun product at, even if it is just a shirt?

Do people not love Gaston enough to bother with it?

Instead, we have this lot of 6 eggs with Belle on them–Belle, and she doesn’t even eat 6 eggs for breakfast! If she did, she’d be almost as large as Gaston!

They could still be used as sort of an inside joke, but it just doesn’t hit the same way…

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Gifts for Beauty and the Beast Fans

Is the Beauty and the Beast 6 Eggs worthy of me?

  • Could be a vague meme reference
  • They offer different scenes, jelly beans, and sticker
  • How long has Belle been holding onto those jelly beans?
Worthy of Me