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Black Panther Building Blocks – Worthy of Building a Hero


Luckily, when it comes to these Black Panther Building Blocks, you don’t need to be a Bob the Builder to complete it. But Bob had a lot of time on his hands to be building stuff and you better have that same amount of time.

And patience.

Are the Black Panther Building Blocks worthy of me?

The best part of having a Marvel figure to complete the collection in your home is being able to build it yourself. Even better is if you have family, friends, or kids to help you (or for you to help them) out in the process.

That way you won’t go completely insane building him block-by-block.

I don’t envy those looking to build the Black Panther. But then again I don’t know how easy these things are to build and if there are actual labels somewhere saying where specific blocks go and such. I’ve always been more of a jigsaw person, though I’ve done my fair share of 3D foam puzzles as well.

These building blocks are the perfect source for conversations on your favorite movies that Black Panther appeared in, among other topics.

It’ll take time to complete. Might as well talk.

How did we come across this product?

Chadwick Boseman passed away after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Due to the unfortunate event, we’ve dedicated a full week to promoting products revolving around his acting role as “Black Panther.”

With these building blocks, you can build your memories of him from the ground up.

Worthy of Me