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Black Panther Watch – Worthy of Checking the T’Challa Time


Well if you ever wanted to walk around in the style of a Marvel character without actually wearing the style that they wore, then you might consider this Black Panther Watch. Can you imagine if T’Challa walked around with this on his wrist, checking the time?

I think he’d be glad to be king if it got him stuff like this.

Maybe that’s the shallow normal person in my thinking that though.

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Is the Black Panther Watch worthy of me?

Watches can be so unique looking sometimes, and who wants to have the same watch as hundreds of other people, right? To have a watch dedicated to a character you love will impress your fellow fans of the same character and possibly provide conversations on the subject of them.

I’m more of a simple person though.

I’ve got a cell phone and I’m not afraid to use it when it comes to checking the time. Even when I’m not supposed to be looking at it.

Sigh, work is so cumbersome with their rules.

Which is probably another reason why it’s good to actually have a watch.

So if there’s an empty space on your watch, or if it’s time for an upgrade without all the smart functions of the newer watches out there, you might consider the Black Panther watch.

How did we come across this product?

Chadwick Boseman had been fighting colon cancer for four years and finally lost his quiet battle. In honor of the character he played in the Marvel films, Worthy of Me has scheduled out a full week of promoting products that might’ve been worthy of T’Challa.

His time ended, but this honorary one is still ticking.

Worthy of Me