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7 Custom Gameboy Colors Worthy of the Gaming Collectors

Gamers all have unique personalities and a favorite game they enjoy, so if you’re a Gameboy fan, why wouldn’t you want to stand out with a custom Gameboy Color?

You don’t really see kids out there anymore with a handheld GBC, enjoying themselves. Instead, they’re typically on their phone, texting or playing some app.

I get it, I’m the same way.

Plus you’ve got all these newer consoles with amazing gameplay and graphics.

But sometimes it’s good to take a trip down memory lane and go back to the start of some of the games you love. And if you’re going to do so, why not do in style? It’s nice to stand out sometimes. It’s nice to show off someone else’s work, so they get exposure as well.

A lot of these links will take you to Etsy, but that’s because it’s a mega center for those who create their own takes on products. But if you’re looking for other sites that’ll give you some custom Gameboy Color consoles to play, you might want to check these out:

Without further ado, here’s some of the most eye-catching, worthy custom Gameboy Colors we found.


Custom Gameboy Diorama

What’s super cool about this product is it’s not exactly playable, but more for show to reveal your inner gaming enthusiast. Decide what model of Gameboy you want, as well as the figurines to go with it. So basically, you’re choosing a theme.

Custom Gameboy Color Custom Designs

Dr. Slump Backlit Gameboy

I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of the game Dr. Slump, but I was more into Zelda and Pokemon back then. Looks like Dr. Slump is a game as well as a manga series. Also, are they part of Dragonball Z as well? Interesting. And an interesting design as well with the color combo.

Glow in the Dark

Everyone likes things that glow in the dark. Well, unless those glow in the dark things keep you awake at night. In which case that’s some pretty intense glowing going on. But it’s nice to have a glow in the dark console while you’re gaming in the dark, along with a backlit screen.

Link and Chain Chomp

Chain Chomp is an all too familiar character in the Zelda games, and one that’s probably caused more deaths than you would’ve liked, if you’ve come across them. But just seeing Link handling Chain Chomp in this custom Gameboy color might be enough to bring a smile to your face, because…he doesn’t really have a handle on it at all.

Links Awakening Cover Design

If you’re a fan of Zelda games and enjoy Links Awakening in all of its cutesy-tootsy chibified glory, you might think of buying this Gameboy design featuring the art of the game itself. Not that you can play it on the Gameboy, but still, a pretty sweet design to hold while you play other games.

Pikachu Gameboy Color

So many people love Pikachu–I mean, heck, he’s even got his own movies and such–so of course artists love drawing the adorable mouse Pokemon as well. And here he is in all of his adorable charm, ready for you to gush about him while you play your own Gameboy games.

Samus from Metroid

Now here’s some custom artwork that you probably weren’t expecting to find on a Gameboy, but if you love the Metroid series, it should be right up your alley. I actually never knew the character’s name, but I definitely know Metroid despite never playing it.

I also never realized this character was a girl, like so many others.

Custom Backlit Nintendo Gameboy Color "Artist Series" - Samus
Custom Backlit Nintendo Gameboy Color "Artist Series" - Samus
Worthy of Me