Freeform Molten Glass Sculpture – Worthy of a Liquefied Container

Freeform Molten Glass Sculpture – Worthy of a Liquefied Container

Step away from the typical containers and fish tanks and take a gander at the Freeform Molten Glass Sculpture.

They aren’t the most perfect looking containers, due to the nature of their formation, but something that looks like liquefied glass should stand out a bit if it’s to fit in with a nature lover’s home and hold things they can actually see.

This captivating Molten Glass Teak Tabletop Sculpture is even more incredible in person. Full of organic allure and earthy intrigue, each one-of-a-kind indoor sculpture is crafted by Bali glassblowers. Using a knotted piece of reclaimed teak wood, the skilled artisans allow the glass vessel to assume the natural shape of its root base. Sinking into the corners and ridges of the natural wood, the glass bowl has a lava-like effect.

Is the Freeform Molten Glass Sculpture worthy of me?

At first glance I thought these were oddly shaped aquariums, and while really they aren’t, they could be used to house a fish or two, I suppose.

I love these products that make you look twice to figure out what they are, due to them tugging on a familiar memory of what something looks like, but your brain not quite comprehending it since it doesn’t look quite right.

No two glass sculptures look alike, which is another cool thing. Plus, they’re on logs, which gives them a bit more aesthetic around the house, or wherever you’d keep it.

You can place basically anything in them that you want, that’ll fit.

Heck, even use one as a candy dish on Halloween. I’m sure the kids will think it’s cool, despite the non-Halloween vibe.

How did we find this product?

I noticed a variety of beach and sea looking products showing up on my Instagram homepage, so I tried looking for one in Google, but couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. Instead, I found this.