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Ocean Wave Necklace – Worthy of Wearing the Tide


Sometimes you don’t go out of the house in order to catch the next wave–you only have to wear the ocean wave necklace.

Let’s face it, this wave looks more tubular than some of the other waves you’ve seen out on the open sea. Plus, some days the waters just too flat.

Ocean Wave Necklace
Ocean Wave Necklace

It’s the ocean wave necklace (pendant). It’s a glass art surfer jewelry (surf necklace, surfing necklace). This jewelry is a very romantic reminder of sea travel. I made this pendant myself of the clear, blue and green glass. It looks like the necklace (pendant) for mermaid or siren. This sea (nautical, beach) jewelry is an unusual ocean gift for her.

Is the Ocean Wave Necklace worthy of me?

This is certainly one of those times where I’m happy that I just stumble on a product because I couldn’t find something else I wanted to look for. And I absolutely love how it actually resembles a wave, with the variety of colors that stick to the ocean’s color scheme, maintaining the frothing white foam on top.

All it needs is a little surfer dude in the center.

Or a shark coming out of the wave ready to terrorize said surfer.

Either way, I’m not a beach-goer, and I’m not a fan of the open water, but I can respect the beauty of nature, and the beauty of handmade glass in a free-form shape.

I just realized the look of the texture kind of reminds me of rock candy…

How did we find this product?

I was looking for teal jewelry, because I couldn’t find any “saronite” products because, lo and behold, saronite is a product privvy to World of Warcraft, not…real-world resources.


Worthy of Me