20 Quidditch Products Worth More Points Than A Flying Snitch

20 Quidditch Products Worth More Points Than A Flying Snitch

I have to say I’m a bit thankful that Quidditch isn’t an actual game (yet) played out in our muggle world, but can you imagine if it were one of the Olympics competitions? Can you imagine how many people would be horribly slaughtered by a bludgeon just crashing into their skull, or at least all the broken bones?

What am I even saying, you play it on a broomstick.

Nevermind, you guys. It won’t happen, leave it alone.

Even so, you can’t say the sport isn’t an intriguing one for the wizarding world. Just one of the hazardous ones that people who can’t heal themselves wouldn’t be able to even sign up for.

If you love the game, but recognize you’ll never be able to play it, consider some of these products instead.

Quidditch Products Under $25

Golden Fidget Hand Spinner

Do you or your kid need a fidget spinner to calm their anxiety while also mindlessly derailing their entire thoughts exclusively toward Harry Potter winning the Quidditch championships during his years at Hogwarts and how Gryffindor is going to sustain the winning title without their golden boy throughout the years thereafter?

Just…do us a favor and take the fidget spinner, okay?

Golden Snitch Coin Bank

Before you place your hard-earned Hawaii vacation money in this bank, I hope you pray it doesn’t up and fly away, because I don’t care how good of a Seeker you are, you are not Harry Potter and that sucker is gonna fly halfway around the world before you realize your change is missing.

But aside from that scenario, it’s a cool coin bank!

Quidditch Broom Pens

Okay, sure, technically you can just say they’re witch broomstick pens, but I honestly saw them as Harry Potter broomstick pens on first glance, but maybe that’s because I was already working on this page. But whatever you look at them as…they still fit the theme.

You can’t play Quidditch without a broom, and now you can have at least twelve of them.

Quidditch Goggles

Well you can’t exactly expect to go racing through the sky at high speeds on your brook without eye protection, can you? Think of the bugs that’ll get in your eyes!

Ron in Quidditch Uniform

Let’s face it. Harry isn’t the only one that can look good in a Quidditch uniform. Granted, that doesn’t mean that Ron would play very well even if given the chance.

Snitch Ice Balls

Boy it’s not every say you say that, is it?

I know they’re going to melt, but they’re still a cool concept (no pun intended), and you get the satisfaction of having 300 points, instead of 150, since you’ve got two of the Snitches instead of one.

Quidditch Products Between $25-$50

3D Harry Potter Golden Snitch Puzzle

I’ve done normal puzzles, I’ve done jigsaw puzzles, I’ve even put together 3D foam puzzles, but I’ve never actually completed a 3D puzzle that looked anything like this, so I’m sure it’d be an interesting project to work on. Maybe not quite beginner material, but not exactly hard mode.

Draco Malfoy Quidditch Doll

Sure, Draco is the bad boy in the series, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t like him, and despite me being one of the people that don’t like him, here’s a collectible for the Harry Potter Quidditch fans.

Golden Snitch Snack Bowl

I’ve done several Halloween snack bowls before working on this page, so it’s kind of a refresher to not see something so spooky. Unfortunately, it’s not going to hover out of your kid’s reach if they aren’t allowed to have candy.

The wings are a bit disproportionate to its body, don’t you think?

Harry Potter Golden Snitch Clock

You know how everyone always says “Time flies”? Well, in this instance, I suppose it isn’t a complete, lie, is it? Especially, if you throw it across the room.

Not that I’m saying you should.

Harry Potter Golden Snitch Drone

Nothing like practicing as an actual Seeker in a game of Quidditch like trying to catch an actual flying Snitch, right? Sure it might be nothing like the actual movie–no bludgeons trying to break your bones or anything, and it might not be totally difficult to catch, but it’ll still make for a fun game to play.

Harry Potter Golden Snitch String Lights

I can see someone using these lights to decorate an area for an event of some sort, or for maybe a small room like a bathroom for a Harry Potter theme. That’d be unique and fun!

Harry Potter Quidditch Table Lamps

Here’s a two-in-one table lamp edition for Harry Potter collectors. I don’t particularly like the Snitch version, but the Harry Potter version looks like he lights up pretty decently in the dark. Still, two in one is good for any HP fan.

Quidditch Products Between $50-$100

Draco Malfoy Quidditch Year Two Figurine

Unlike the Harry Potter year two figurine below, I don’t really know why this one is labeled year two–as in, what makes it iconic to the second year at Hogwarts. It’s been a while since I watched the series, so maybe it’s just escaping me, but still, I like the detail.

Golden Snitch Pendant

For those of you who are Harry Potter fans and have those bracelets and collect charms like my mom does, here’s one of those charms that you can possibly collect and show off.

Or stash away like a hoarder.

Either or.

Harry Potter and Friends on Broomsticks Ornaments

If you’re a Harry Potter fan and find your Christmas tree lacking as far as Harry Potter ornaments go, here are the main trio of the series ready to fly around your tree to make it a bit more festive and magical.

Quidditch Harry Potter Year Two Figurine

I like that the difference between this figurine and the others you see is the detail of that single Bludger smashing through the beams of the stand to get to Harry, which would signify the year 2.

Quidditch Products Above $100

Harry Potter Golden Snitch 3D Cufflinks

Have a Harry Potter style of shirt that needs the cuffs folded back and fastened together by something Harry Potter related? Well these cufflinks might fit just the occasion–especially if it’s cosplay related.

Harry Potter Levitating Golden Snitch Sculpture

It’s not often you get to see the brilliant sculpture of the golden Snitch in a standstill state, due to its flighty nature in Quidditch, but now you can marvel at it. Not only that, but the base also illuminates all four Hogwarts houses, no matter which one you’re part of.

Quidditch Set

Who needs a small box of two Quaffle balls and when you can get the entire dang Quidditch set to go? Get ready to beat people into submission and seek out the Snitch in your next game.