Sky Dancers – Worthy of Your Fear of Flying Barbies

Sky Dancers – Worthy of Your Fear of Flying Barbies

Sky dancers are a toy that’ll make your child learn to point them away from their face before pulling the string. You know how you can toss a helicopter seed in the air and watch it spin downward? This is the same concept, only their arms come out and do a kamikaze spin to keep them in the air before they drift down.

Or downright fall.

Not everyone is capable of flying decently, you know.

Are Sky Dancers worthy of me?


  • Interesting and unique flying toy for girls


  • Discontinued for safety concerns

Oh man. These were fun days.

I’d literally cringe when I yanked that string, then I’d take off to make sure that heli-Barbie wasn’t going to come after me with a vengeance. The wings are made of foam, sure, but it still didn’t feel nice when they whapped you in the face.

In fact, Sky Dancers only lasted for about six years before they were recalled, due to a large quantity of injuries. Thus, I’ve put them in my list of vintage toys we loved to hate as kids.

If you’re young, you might not know what the hell this thing even is, but here’s a commercial for the toy on YouTube.

Older generation? Pfft, you know what this face-smacker is.


How did we find this product?

A coworker and I were talking about discontinued toys from our childhoods (we’ve got a pretty good age difference going on) and this one is obviously from my childhood.