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Tom Riddle Diary – Worth Stabbing With a Basilisk Fang


Some people want a diary to write in, other people want a Tom Riddle diary to remind them to hide their horcruxes better and to not be an overall jerk, just in case someone’s wise enough to kill a basilisk and use its fang to destroy a piece of your soul. Not that anyone would ever actually do such a thing.

Tom Riddle Diary

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Is the Tom Riddle Diary worthy of me?

  • Here’s proof the horcrux is destroyed
  • Good gift for horcrux collectors
  • Basilisk fang is removable, in case you want to stab something else
  • Tom’s diary is no longer usable

As far as someone who collects Harry Potter paraphernalia, I think this is the perfect product.

You’ve got the display stand for the diary with Tom’s name on it, the actual basilisk fang that’s removable, in case you’re willing to stab some other object with it, and then the diary itself with the tear in it to make it look a bit more realistic, rather than a small hole for the fang.

It’s an especially good piece for anyone wanting to collect Tom Riddle’s horcruxes. I know I’ve looked around the Internet and found several people who collect pieces just for that.

Now, if you want a diary to write in, I don’t think you should purchase this one. It’s a collector’s only product, I believe.

I mean, there is a basilisk fang shoved through it for crying out loud.

How did we find this product?

I was doing a monthly theme for Harry Potter and while there’s a normal Tom Riddle diary I mention in 25 Magical Objects in Harry Potter Worthy of Your Collection, I didn’t give a shout-out to the stabbed diary. It deserves it.

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