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Vintage Mechanical Music Box Worthy of Studio Ghibli


There’s nothing quite like hearing the melody from a vintage mechanical music box that plays a song from the soundtrack of a Studio Ghibli movie. It’s enchanting, haunting, and makes you believe you’re truly living in a castle in the sky.

Vintage Mechanical Music Box

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Is the Vintage Mechanical Music Box worthy of me?


  • Plays a fan-favorite Studio Ghibli melody
  • For those who enjoy music boxes and constellations


  • Doesn’t have a Studio Ghibli look to it

I bet you’re curious about the title, and here’s probably the most amazing part of this product.

It’s not the fact that it’s for those gung-ho on the zodiac bandwagon. Nor is it a winner for being a vintage mechanical music box that collectors might cherish.

Oh no.

This beauty plays the Castle in the Sky melody from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, the first film created and released by Studio Ghibli.

All right, so the music box shows the different zodiac signs around the outside border, as well as a specific figurine on the inside. And while that lone figure can’t tell you your dates, traits, and more, it differs depending on the zodiac sign you choose.

Well, okay, I don’t know if this specific one does, but I know some products can switch out the figure.

I wish the starlit sky on the inside would show a more specific zodiac constellation, but alas, sometimes we ask too much of a music box.


How did we find this product?

I’d been watching some Studio Ghibli movies because they’re just too good not to, then stumbled upon this little melodic product.

Worthy of Me