If you’ve ever wanted something but everyone always told you no for some stupid reason or another, then you’ll probably empathize with Ralphie in A Christmas Story. That is, until he gets what he wants and realizes the grownups were pretty much right all along.
Looking at his life in the show, he’s your average kid living in a…slightly off-kilter family.
With a dad who has a fetish for leg lamps, apparently.
Is A Christmas Story worthy of me?
- Timeless relic of a movie
- Memorable scenes that last
- It’s hard to find any, honestly.
This is such a classic movie, and from the first time I watched it, I absolutely fell in love with all the situations Ralphie and the rest of the characters were placed into. Some of them were a bit over-dramatic, but others were just spot-on when it came to what kids are like.
Obviously I don’t want to throw out spoilers, but there are a ton of scenes that stick to you throughout the years.
And who am I kidding, half the people reading this have more than likely seen the film! So let me just throw out some of these scenarios that I’m personally always hyped to talk about whenever this movie is brought up, because as you might have noticed, I’m a little giddy right now.
Maybe even as giddy as Ralphie on the cover of the DVD case.
- The narration is provided by the adult version of Ralphie, as this is all more of a flashback scenario, which I found interesting for a movie like this. Sure there are a lot of narrated-thoughts films, but I don’t think there are too many from the future narrating the childhood of a Christmas day.
- Kids can’t back down from a triple dog dare.
- That leg lamp is something I’ve contemplated buying my dad for the longest time, but I think I’ll pass at this point. It’s past its prime now.
- One literally gets a mouth of soap when one says many angry words.
- I bet you’ll be saying “fuuuuuuuudge” for a while.
- Just because you don’t shoot your eye out, doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened.
- I can’t wait until my nephew is old enough to wear the bunny suit…
So many memories, Ralphie. So many memories.
How did we find this product?
I wanted to start coming up with some Christmas posts, and what better one than my favorite movie to watch during the holiday?
Related posts:
- One of the iconic props in A Christmas Story: Leg Lamp – A Worthy Prop to a Much-Loved Christmas Story