This Amethyst Crystal Tree is perfect for those people who love jewelry but don’t quite enjoy wearing them all the time, love nature, but don’t particularly want to go outside, and desire plants in the house, without having the actual need to water them.
A perfect gift you don’t have to take care of.

Tree of Life, also known as The Tree of Knowledge, is depicted as a tree with many branches, and roots, illustrating the idea that all life on earth is related. This luck tree brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aids concentration & memory retention, cleanses the emotional aspects, spreads compassion and potentiated with cosmic energy.
According to the Feng Shui, this wealth tree stimulates the chakras for a successful professional life, promotes restful sleep and shoo away bad dreams & nightmares.
Is the Amethyst Crystal Tree worthy of me?
I’m all in for pretty things, but unfortunately, I don’t know of any relatives of mine that have birthdays in the month of February, which has the Amethyst for a birthstone. Mine and my mom’s are in January.
But, that’s not to say this has to be a proper birthstone gift. Also, if you want to know more about birthstones and their months, you can check out the birthstone chart on Gem Society.
I mean, hell, it’s beautiful to look at and would make a perfect centerpiece.
I can see how having a variety of these crystals and more can put people in a state of peace of mind.
One complaint I see a lot of about regarding this Amethyst Crystal Tree is the hot glue. It can be noticeable at times. Maybe more of a close-up noticeablility than a distant one though.