Bridge Baby Keychain – Is It Worth Owning A Mini BB?

Bridge Baby Keychain – Is It Worth Owning A Mini BB?

The Death Stranding Bridge Baby Keychain is for the fans of Death Stranding who want to be a bit more low-key on their love for BBs. After all, who wants to go back in time during school, when Health class demanded you take care of a life size baby?

Could school be any more obnoxious back then? Those babies never shut up. And guys just passed them off to someone else or ran away from their nurturing instincts.

Worst. Days. Ever.

Bridge Baby Keychain

Is the Bridge Baby Keychain worthy of me?

  • Show off your love for Death Stranding
  • Own your own BB without the fear of using it
  • People might question why you have a baby in a pod

If you haven’t played the game and don’t even know what to think of this thing, then it’s probably not worthy of you. In fact, it’s probably really weird looking and you may think anyone who buys it has some serious problems regarding life in the womb. Especially since the BB is from a still-mother’s womb.


Despite this, if you love the game, and love this little guy, then by golly, it’s a worthy keychain to carry around with you wherever you go.

In all honesty, they made the main baby a likeable character, which is a nice touch. They probably figured some people might be a little on the fence about them, but once the little dude gave the thumbs-up all was good in the world of BBs and man.

How did we find this product?

Back when Death Stranding released, everyone talked about BBs, and the babies floating in those pods had captured the hearts of many.

I still say they’re creepy.