Penis Home Slippers can be an alarming sight for guests or others to see. I mean, they don’t know if you’re going to kick their butt with those things.
Which might get weird.
Or things could escalate, depending where it lands.
Are these Penis Home Slippers worthy of me?
They missed out on creating a description.
Did they cringe from their own product? That makes me laugh.
Speaking of laughter, everyone has humor in one form or another, and these slippers are for those with the perverted mindset. So if you’re goofy, and you like to crack jokes, and you don’t mind flaunting what you got…you probably will find these worthy enough for your slipper collection.
Not to mention they’re probably nice and warm because…it’s typically warm down there anyway, right guys?
I think it’s a perfect gag gift someone might actually use.