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The Thing Apple Watch Stand – Worthy of Giving A Hand With Your Watch


One day while watching the Addams Family, we’ll see them finally catch up with the century they’re in, but until then, there’s a The Thing Apple watch stand for purchase.

It’d come in handy for them, I think, but I think they fit in with the world well enough without fitting in with the world at this point.

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Apple Watch stand inspired by the “Thing” from the Addams Family for Halloween.

Is The Thing Apple Watch Stand worthy of me?

You have to admit, it’d be pretty cool to see The Thing crawling around with an Apple watch on its wrist. At least everyone it wanders by will know what time it is and every other thing the watch is good for.

Which leads to the worth for me.

I don’t actually own an Apple watch, so this product wouldn’t fit me all that well. My boyfriend owns one though! And I know a few others that have one as well. I’ll admit, they’re pretty handy. They’re quite convenient when you don’t want to keep checking your phone for certain things, but, well, I guess I’d rather keep checking my phone that also needs updated with the times.

Oh well.

This thing is pretty cool as it doesn’t just come in a skin color. You can choose from a multiple amount of colors, even a kind of bland coloration so you can paint it yourself if you wanted.

How did we find this product?

After writing about The Hand, I thought about The Thing from the Addams Family and this was the first thing that came up. Pretty useful for everyone who both has an Apple watch and enjoy the Addams Family.

Worthy of Me