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Video Game Lock – Worth it to Get Your Kid Outside


Teach your kid how to do a proper session of lock-out tag-out with this Video Game Lock! No easier way to do it folks, and it’s always best to start teaching early.

I’m joking, by the way. This isn’t a lock-out tag-out scheme for video games.

This is just sad.

  • Locks standard sized plugs for electronic devices and appliances including video games, TVs, computers, washers, dryers, microwaves, fans, power tools and more.
  • Fits electrical plug sizes of up to 2″ diameter x 3″ length with cord diameter up to 1/2″
  • Includes indoor/outdoor padlock.
  • Rugged recycled plastic lockout device will not rust or corrode.

Is the Video Game Lock worthy of me?

This “Video Game Lock” can be used for a variety of things with a plug.

Want your kids phone to die so they don’t play on it the rest of the day and night? Lock the plug away and watch the tears form. Partner needs to stop trying to make coffee when they’re terrible at it? Lock the plug away until you get up in the morning and make it yourself. Running out of bread? Lock the toaster plug away!

But as far as consoles go…

How many times have you, as a parent, or maybe someone’s that’s been near enough to an adult figure tell a kid to get off the game and play something else? Or get off the game and let’s go outside, since it’s nice out.

Personally, I’ve heard it a lot. I still hear it a lot–but it’s mainly regarding tablets and phones.

If your kid plays games on those or the PC, then I’m sure there’s some kind of lock-out thing you can look into getting, but for now, we’re talking consoles.

I feel like this is a good short-term goal in order to stop them from playing too many video games at a certain time. Maybe the console is in their room and you don’t want them staying up all night. Or maybe they need to do their homework first.

If you’re thinking long-term, like grounded for a week…well I’m sure they can open this thing somehow.

Kids are pretty intuitive and will stop at nothing to get what they want.

And they want games.


Worthy of Me