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Horizon Zero Dawn Collector’s Edition – Worth Playing in Ruins of the Old Ones


Sure the regular game is an amazing masterpiece in itself, but Horizon Zero Dawn Collector’s Edition comes with in-game extras and out-of-game extras that you can flaunt to those that just weren’t able to get in on the goods.

Is Horizon Zero Dawn Collector’s Edition worthy of me?

  • Steelbook case
  • 9″ Aloy statue
  • 48 page art book
  • Voucher for exclusive PS4 dynamic theme
  • 8 in-game DLC items
  • High price point
  • In-game items are just clothing packs or weapons

Video game collectors love collecting not only love owning the firsts of their favorite video games, but they also love collecting pieces from said games, and for those that have played Horizon Zero Dawn, I think the majority of them will say it was a damn good game.

The storyline, the characters, the badass machines you had to fight, and even the emotion it brought out of you at certain points.

With that, I think many would’ve loved to get their hands on the Horizon Zero Dawn Collector’s Edition not necessarily for the in-game items, because those are more aesthetics, since it’s all outfit-based or weaponry, but for what it would give them outside the game. Like the steelbook case for one, which could be added with other steelbook cases, and then the art book, because who doesn’t like seeing the artistic style of a video game from concept to completion?

What collectors might really aim for though, is that Aloy statue.

She’s looking mighty serious standing atop (what looks to be) a destroyed Watcher machine. It’s one thing to put all that detail into her clothing design, but all that detail into the machine as well?

That deserves a spot high on the shelves, don’t you think?

How did we find this product?

I’d recently played the game and fell absolutely in love with it.

Worthy of Me