In-Depth Farming Guide – Worthy of The 9.0 WoW Grind

In-Depth Farming Guide – Worthy of The 9.0 WoW Grind

If you’ve ever played World of Warcraft, then you know what’s it’s like to need a variety of materials–the In-Depth Farming Guide is basically your one-stop guide to acquiring most of all those materials, as far as knowing where they are goes.

Although, if you’re like a lot of others who prefer to buy off the auction house, then, you might want to focus more of your efforts on the auction house.

This course provides you with all my routes I’ve created in (almost) every zone for World of Warcraft, including the addons I use. These are all up-to-date for patch 9.0.

Is the In-Depth Farming Guide worthy of me?

  • I personally created this product.

One of the most relaxing things I’ve found I liked doing in all my time of play WoW is farming.

And trust me when I say I do a lot of farming.

This guide attests to that.

But it’s a guide meant for others who also like to farm their own materials in World of Warcraft. If you don’t like that aspect of the game, then there’s no point in buying the guide.

What’s in the In-Depth Farming Guide?

  • Access to every farming route and data I’ve gathered on almost every zone. This data includes, but is not limited to…
    • Mining
    • Herbalism
    • Fishing
    • Treasures
    • Rares
    • Vendors with limited items
  • Screenshots will be 2560×1440 instead of the 1280×720 you find on TGEXP.
  • My own in-game routes, which you’ll need the addon Routes and WoWGatheringNodes for them to actually work.

For example, the below is a screenshot of the data I obtained after mining in Howling Fjord. It lists all the materials I acquired and the amount of time it took me to acquire them. Meaning I literally spent 4.5 hours on a single route to collect this information.

In-Depth Farming Guide Example

Is everything up to date?

I can tell you without a doubt that no, not everything is up to date, not every zone is completed. This guide will always be a work in progress because things get added and changed often and there are a lot of materials to farm out in all the zones.

Add in the time that it takes me to do a single route and you’ll understand the months and years it takes just to get the guide to where it is now.

But keep in mind most of the bare minimum farming aspects of the game are available on The Gaming Experience for free, those posts just have limited material.

How did we find this product?

It’s been in the works for quite some time and I finally decided to make a post on it.