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Life is Strange: True Colors – Worthy of an Empathetic Character


There’s no more turning a blind eye to someone’s true emotions in Life is Strange: True Colors, though I guess you can’t say you don’t know what someone’s feeling when they slam another up against the wall and start spitting angry words in their face.

Still, it’s hard to walk away from another’s rage, the fear, and the anxiety when you yourself become one with it.

Life is Strange True Colors

Is the Life is Strange: True Colors worthy of me?

  • No more waiting on episodes
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Wonderful voice acting
  • Dialogue heavy
  • Cutscene heavy

First we had Max in Life is Strange and her ability to rewind time, suffering head pains and nosebleeds in the process. Then along came Chloe in Life is Strange: Before the Storm and her sassy mouth and bad-assery that tended to get her into trouble more times than out of it. And now we have Alex in Life is Strange: True Colors, who’s able to feel what others are feeling if their emotions are intense enough, though the side effects override her own emotions until they’re no longer her own.

Now, I know a lot of people out there are empaths. I have friends who are and I’m one on a smaller scale compared to others. But can you imagine being one on a scale like Alex is?

If someone’s so scared of something, that you connect with their fear until it’s officially your own? You feel it, you see it, you think about it.

I’m already antisocial, but that would make me even more so.

And that’s just her power, mind you. Life is Strange: True Colors offers so much more than that, but because it centers itself around an empath character, that makes the characterization so good, I think. The voice actors are great, the graphics look stellar.

They have that smooth glossiness that Life is Strange is known for–especially with the hair. I’ve always loved the hair clumps. Even moreso with the remastered collections.

Not every choice you make has consequences, but a lot of them do.

Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster with this one.

How did we find this product?

Had to buy and play it as soon as it came out.

Worthy of Me