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Beauty and the Beast 6 Eggs - Not Quite Worthy for Gaston's 6 Eggs Song

Remember how Gaston would sing about eating 4-5 dozen eggs in his song at the bar? Well, I suppose Belle only eats 6 eggs, so isn't as large as him.

The Best Places Worth Finding Labor Day Deals for Home Decor and Kitchen Appliances

It's the first Monday in September, and you don't know what to shop for. How about checking out our Labor Day deals for Home Decor and Kitchen Appliances.

Over 100 Deals You Can Find During the Amazon Labor Day Sale (Trust Me; It's Worth A Look)

Find (almost) everything you need during the Amazon Labor Day Sale with the help of this huge listing of products for (almost) everyone.

Alastor Cat Doll - Worthy of Too Much Static in All That Hair

What happens when you stick your cat's paw into an electrical socket? It gets the same hair the Alastor Cat Doll has. That's okay, though. He's still cute.

Alastor and Lucifer Dueling Dads Standee - Worthy of Hell's Two Greatest Stand-Offs

This Alastor and Lucifer Dueling Dads Standee features Alastor playing classical and Lucifer playing the fiddle of a long-loved song.

RadioApple Umbrella Keychain - Worthy of Stopping a Rain of Rubber Duckies

Alastor has made an umbrella of his microphone in order to keep the rain away from Lucifer in this RadioApple Umbrella Keychain

RadioApple Press on Nails - Worthy of Red on One Side, White on the Other

Love to get you nails worked on as well as look at Alastor and Lucifer pairings? Put on these RadioApple Press on Nails and see what others say!

RadioApple Spinning Canes Standees - Worthy of a Spin-Off

Want a little competition between Lucifer and Alastor? These RadioApple Spinning Canes Standees will give you just that--who wins?

Deer Alastor and Snake Lucifer Pin - Worthy of a RadioApple Animal Pairing

It's not often you find an Alastor and Lucifer pairing in their so-called animal forms, but here they are as a Deer Alastor and Snake Lucifer Pin.

RadioApple Plushies - Worthy of the Dad Beat Dad Singing Duo

Whether you love Alastor or Lucifer, or even the pairing, here's the both of them as RadioApple Plushies.

Worthy of Me